Grants Administration and Management Support Unit

GAMSU welcomes you to Grant Excellence

A one stop center for Grants Management and Administration

Grant Cycle Support

Grant Cycle Support

Supporting Faculty and Staff to Access, Compete, Win, and Manage Grants

We support staff

in attracting and managing grant resources

Makerere has signed and executed, thousands of agreements, with grants stakeholders.


Building Collaborations

We aim to building collaboration synergies for faculty and Staff, nationally, and internationally.

Grant Negotiations

We mediate Grant negotiations.

We engage, researchers, funders, and other stake holder.

Training Staff and Faculty

Training Staff and Faculty

Providing an up to date, condusive and, comprehensive enviroment for grants Management.

GAMSU tracks grant activity

Every Grant is a step towards to the future

GAMSU facilitates Grants Acquisition and promotes compliance at Makerere University.

500 +

Proposals Yearly

200 +


50 +


About Us

The Grants Administration and Management Support Unit – GAMSU, at Makerere University supports faculty and staff through various stages of grant management and administration. It was established in 2020, through a University Council policy – the Makerere University Grants Administration and Management Policy, which details setup of the Unit in 2021 as a Centre for coordination and support of external grants and donations.

GAMSU supports Principal Investigators through the life cycle of a grant, starting from identifying funding platforms, planning and preparing grant proposals, facilitating the administrative review and approval process, compliance to standards, managing the grants once received, and closing of grants.

GAMSU’s Strategic move to streamline the administration and management of grants and increase the university’s grant and donation profile is anchored on two University goals and two objectives: Goal 1: “A research-led university responding to national, regional, and global development challenges,” and Goal 4: “An engaged university with enhanced partnerships with industry, the community, and international institutions.” And objectives (i) and (iv) aim to enhance collaboration with government agencies, increase researchers’ participation in policy development and formulation, and increase the University’s visibility globally through joint training and collaborative research.

  • Our Vision

    A Research led Makerere University.

  • Our Mission

    To facilitate the acquisition of grants and promote compliance.

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What we do!

  1. Facilitate the acquisition of grants and promote compliance.
  2. Maintain a System to track and monitor Grants at Makerere University
  3. Establish partnership with other Institutions through scholarships, research infrastructure development among others
  4. Ensure that all projects are permissible by the Laws of Uganda.

Who do we work with?

Grant teams at Makerere often comprise;
1. Principal Investigators
2. Co-principal Investigators
3. Project Administrators
4. Project Accountants
5. Team Members

Grants Cycle Support

Our Projects

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