Grant close-out is a critical stage in the grant life cycle and this stage shall commence before the grant end date. It is the responsibility of GAMSU to ensure proper close-out of all funded projects within the University.
Funder’s requirements for grant close-out Before the grant period ends, the PI receives a notification from the funder indicating the expected date of project close-out. The PI will work with GAMSU and other key offices such as the Finance and Procurement offices to ensure that all grant obligations are taken care of. Depending on the amount of funds left no and the remaining project activities, the project may seek a no-cost and additional obligation extension to allow additional time for completion of project objectives. In case of any additional obligations, Council approval shall be final obtained. In circumstances where there is no additional time required, the required reports i.e., technical and financial reports shall be prepared. Additionally, a final audit will be carried out and a report submitted to the funder with a copy to GAMSU. The GAMSU shall ensure that all project documents are archived for duration of time that is stipulated by both the funder and University guidelines.
University requirements for grant close-out The GAMSU shall ensure that a grant coming to an end provides information through a Makerere close-out template that will include the list of assets and a financial copy of the final reports including location, reports and a copy of audit report. GAMSU shall ensure that all University requirements are met before signing the project off.