100 +

Proposals Yearly

1000 +

Projects Awarded

1000 +

Projects Closed

About Us

In 2020, the University Council passed the Makerere University Grants Administration and Management Policy, which guided the set up of the Grants Administration and Management Support Unit (GAMSU) in 2021 as a central coordination unit for the administration and support of external grants and donations. GAMSU’s role is to support faculty and staff through the life cycle of a grant, including identifying funding sources, planning and preparing grant proposals, facilitating the administrative review and approval process, compliance to standards, managing the grants once received, and closing of grants.

To effectively implement its mandate, GAMSU needs a Strategic Direction (SD) to streamline the administration and management of grants and increase the university’s grant and donation profile. This strategic plan is anchored on two goals: Goal 1: “A research-led university responding to national, regional, and global development challenges,” and Goal 4: “An engaged university with enhanced partnerships with industry, the community, and international institutions.” Objectives (i) and (iv) aim to enhance collaboration with government agencies, increase Makerere University researchers’ participation in policy development and formulation, and increase Makerere University’s visibility globally through joint training and collaborative research.

Makerere University (MU) is a public institution established to provide access to higher education and promote research and innovations. Its Strategic Direction (SD) 2020/2030 aims to respond to changing national and global needs, which call for research-led interventions. The university’s SD is anchored within the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (2015) and Africa Agenda 2063, which can only be realized through decisions informed by research and innovations.

Makerere University (MU) is a public institution established to provide access to higher education and promote research and innovations. Its Strategic Direction (SD) 2020/2030 aims to respond to changing national and global needs, which call for research-led interventions. The university’s SD is anchored within the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (2015) and Africa Agenda 2063, which can only be realized through decisions informed by research and innovations.

  • Our Mission

    To facilitate the acquisition of grants and promote compliance.

  • Our Vision

    A Research led Makerere University.

Our Staff

Prof. Sylvia Antonnia Tamsuza

Head of GAMSU

CPA George Turyamureeba Mugabi

Head Of Finance

CPA Suzan Kyamulabi

Accountant GAMSU

CPA Christine Ninsiima

Accountant GAMSU

Mr. Yunus Musisi

ICT Support

Mr. Denis Wamala

ICT Support

Mr. Lwasa Laban

Administrative Asistant

Ms. Grace Nansubuga

Administrative Assistant

Ms. Caroline Nabwiire

Administrative Assistant

Mr. Elvis Lubanga

Assistant Public Relations Officer

Mr. Charles Ouma Were

Custodian - GAMSU


Welcome to the Grants Management Steering Committee (GMSC), where collaboration meets innovation. As stewards of impactful funding initiatives, we are dedicated to fostering excellence, transparency, and efficiency in grants management practices.

Our committee comprises of a diverse array of experts, each bringing unique perspectives and experiences to the Committee:

Prof. Henry Alinaitwe

Ag Deputy Vice Chancellor (F&A) / Chair

Assoc Prof. Helen Nambalirwa Nkabala

Representative of Humanities

Mr. Yusuf Kiranda

University Secretary

Assoc Prof. Charles Masembe

Representative of Sciences

Assoc Prof. Agnes Rwanshana Ssemwanga

Representative of Sciences

Mr. Gyaviira Lubowa Ssebina

Representative of Finance

Assoc. Prof. Godfrey Akileng

Representative of Humanities

Dr. Sabrina Bakeera Kitaka

Representative of Sciences

Assoc Prof. Robert Wamala

Representative of Directorate Research and Graduate Training

About Us

The Grants Administration and Management Support Unit – GAMSU, at Makerere University supports faculty and staff through various stages of grant management and administration. It was established in 2020, through a University Council policy – the Makerere University Grants Administration and Management Policy, which details setup of the Unit in 2021 as a Centre for coordination and support of external grants and donations.

GAMSU supports Principal Investigators through the life cycle of a grant, starting from identifying funding platforms, planning and preparing grant proposals, facilitating the administrative review and approval process, compliance to standards, managing the grants once received, and closing of grants.

GAMSU’s Strategic move to streamline the administration and management of grants and increase the university’s grant and donation profile is anchored on two University goals and two objectives: Goal 1: “A research-led university responding to national, regional, and global development challenges,” and Goal 4: “An engaged university with enhanced partnerships with industry, the community, and international institutions.” And objectives (i) and (iv) aim to enhance collaboration with government agencies, increase researchers’ participation in policy development and formulation, and increase the University’s visibility globally through joint training and collaborative research.

Through establishments such as GAMSU, Makerere University is committed to maintaining a conducive environment for fundraising revenue to support research, infrastructure development, and other university activities while practicing the highest standards of accountability and efficient grant management.


To facilitate the acquisition of grants and promote compliance.


A Research led Makerere University.

What we do!

  1. Facilitate the acquisition of grants and promote compliance.
  2. Maintain a System to track and monitor Grants at Makerere University
  3. Establish partnership with other Institutions through scholarships, research infrastructure development among others
  4. Ensure that all projects are permissible by the Laws of Uganda.

Grants Cycle Support


Activity prior to Official Funding of the submitted Grant Proposal


At this phase, Grantors select, notify and obligate funds to recipients through signed agreements 


Activity prior to Official Funding of the submitted Grant Proposal


This involves wrapping up activities and assessing the success or failures and ensuring that all documentation and reporting requirements are fulfilled

Our Projects

100 +

Proposals Yearly

1000 +

Projects Awarded

1000 +

Projects Closed

PI Corner

News and Updates

GAMSU Holds Sensitization Workshop on Grants Administration & Management at Mak Jinja Campus

  • February 21, 2024

  By Elvis Lubanga The Director for the Makerere University Jinja...

GAMSU Needs Assessment Survey Form for Faculty & Other Staff Within Makerere University

  • February 21, 2024

The Grants Administration and Management Support Unit (GAMSU) invites...