Climate change remains a challenge to humanity and requires a mutisectoral approach to mitigate and adapt to its effects and expected stimuli.

Genetic engineering allows genes to be introduced, improved or silenced not only between the same species, but also between differnet species within a species, across species or related organisms.

Food security is a situation where individuals have physical and economic ability to access sufficient food to meet dietary needs and food preferences for a productive and healthy life at all times.

About Us

In 2020, the University Council passed the Makerere University Grants Administration and Management Policy, which guided the set up of the Grants Administration and Management Support Unit (GAMSU) in 2021 as a central coordination unit for the administration and support of external grants and donations. GAMSU’s role is to support faculty and staff through the life cycle of a grant, including identifying funding sources, planning and preparing grant proposals, facilitating the administrative review and approval process, compliance to standards, managing the grants once received, and closing of grants.

  • Our Mission

    To facilitate the acquisition of grants and promote compliance.

  • Our Vision

    A Research led Makerere University.

What we do!

  • Establish a Framework

    To facilitate the acquisition of grants and promote compliance.

  • Track and Monitor Grants

    We have created a System to track and monitor Grants at Makerere University

  • Establishing Global Partnerships

    We have established partnership with other Institutions through scholarships, resesarch infrasturcture development among others

  • Guidlines and Policies

    Gamsu ensures that all projects abide by the Laws, Policies and Regulations governing the University with consideration of the funder’s guidelines

Grants Cycle Support


Activity prior to Official Funding of the submitted Grant Proposal


At this phase, Grantors select, notify and obligate funds to recipients through signed agreements 


Activity prior to Official Funding of the submitted Grant Proposal


This involves wrapping up activities and assessing the success or failures and ensuring that all documentation and reporting requirements are fulfilled

Our Projects

100 +

Proposals Yearly

1000 +

Projects Awarded

1000 +

Projects Closed

PI Corner


News and Updates

GAMSU Trains Mak Accountants on Compliance to Grants Financial Policies

  • March 3, 2024

Prof. Sylvia Nannyonga-Tamusuza, (in blue) Mr. Evarist Bainomugisha (5th...

Professor Tamusuza Takes Helm as 3rd Head of GAMSU

  • February 21, 2024

Professor Grace Bantebya Kyomuhendo (2nd Right) handing over office...

GAMSU Commits Support towards Making Mak a Research-led Institution

  • February 21, 2024

Prof. Sylvia Nannyonga-Tamusuza and Dr. Cyprian Misinde (Centre) with...

Mak Grants Administration & Management Unit Steering Committee Inducted

  • February 21, 2024

The Vice Chancellor, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe (2nd R) joins...