Post Award

Post award processes cover all aspects of grant management following receipt of award. The post award processes begin when the designated officer receives a notification from a sponsor of their willingness to fund an activity and ends at grant close-out when the final report including other deliverables are submitted to and accepted by the funder.

Project implementation

The PI has overall responsibility of implementing the project and ensuring its success on behalf of the University and has been bound by a PI agreement with the University making them culpable for any mismanagement.

The PI with support from the GAMSU, brings all key stakeholders on board, requesting account set-up, obtaining ethical approvals, ensuring that the right cadres of staff are hired following existing procedures set out by the Appointments Board, and all the necessary supplies and equipment are acquired through the existing procedures.

Opening of a project account in cases where funders require a project specific bank account or an interest- bearing account opening. account, authority to open an account will be obtained from the University Accounting Officer following existing laws, policies and regulations on

Award management occurs after the grants, contracts or cooperative agreements awarded to the University have been set up in our financial system (IRIS). Award Management includes policies and procedures of the University, school, and sponsor to ensure compliance with the award’s terms and conditions, often referred to as the post-award phase of the award life cycle.

Proper management of sponsored programs is crucial to maintaining public trust in research outcomes. Our Sponsored Program Analyst(s) undertake the analysis and interpretation of agreements and associated documents for new sponsored projects. This ensures an accurately structured setup to meet billing and reporting requirements and coded correctly to facilitate accurate financial reporting. Furthermore, our analysts ensure that the sponsored projects comply thoroughly with the University and sponsor parameters.

Equipment and property management

Unless otherwise specified in the funding agreement, all property procured using grants awarded to Makerere University will remain the property of the University. All procured equipment will be registered in asset registers as stipulated in the University policies. Disposition of acquired equipment and property will follow the provisions of the PPDA Act.

Financial Management of Grant funds

The Financial management of grant funds is done based on approved budgets included funding agreements. Requisition of funds done according to the University financial management procedures. Requests for budget modifications including carry-over, redirection, re-budgeting, and no cost extensions will be prepared and submitted by the GAMSU following consultation with the Principal Investigator.


Procurement for funded projects is subject to the Public Procurement and Disposal of Assets Act (PPDA) of Uganda. In general, all procurements must be allowable according to both the University and funders regulations. All procurements will be done by the established procurement offices of the University.


Grant compliance involves having proper policies and procedures in place as well as strong internal controls. It entails following the generally accepted procedures (GAP), proper procurement procedures, as well as strong internal controls. Grant compliance mitigates the risk of misuse of funds. The GAMSU provides the following:

Monitoring the grants budgets for proper use of funds and ensuring that fund guidelines on procurement and inventory are met.

Preparing regular monitoring and evaluation meetings with project heads to review performance and guide on the necessary adjustments within approved budgets.

Facilitating the preparation of reports and documentation required by grantors providing projects; and, a one-stop reporting center for all awarded Coordinating the audit responses and other project related activities.


Makerere University reports a) b) Every PI shall submit a quarterly report to the Grants Administration and Management Support Unit including the following: physical performance of the project including progress on implementation of the project, quantifiable outputs and outcomes, challenges experienced and mitigation measures; financial report including bank reconciliations and statements, summary of income & expenditure statements; The GAMSU will prepare a consolidated quarterly report on grants within the University including:

physical performance of the projects including on implementation of the projects, quantifiable outputs and outcomes, challenges experienced and mitigation measures; progress ii. iii. c) financial report including bank reconciliations and statements, summary of key income & expenditure statements; grants management indicators including the number of funding opportunities shared, number of submitted proposals, number of grants and total amount awarded, updated schedule of PI’s, number of active grants including their duration and the number of successfully closed out grants and budget performance reports per grant; the report from GAMSU will be submitted to the Vice-Chancellor with copy to University Accounting Officer following approval of the GMSC.

Monitoring the grants budgets for proper use of funds and ensuring that fund guidelines on procurement and inventory are met.

Preparing regular monitoring and evaluation meetings with project heads to review performance and guide on the necessary adjustments within approved budgets.

Facilitating the preparation of reports and documentation required by grantors providing projects; and, a one-stop reporting center for all awarded Coordinating the audit responses and other project related activities.

Funder reports

The GAMSU shall maintain a summary of all funders’ reporting guidelines and a schedule of all reporting dates for all running grants. GAMSU shall be responsible for sending out reminders of approaching reporting dates to PIs and ensure compliance. Funder reports shall be submitted in compliance with guidelines set out by the funders.