Prof. William Bazeyo

2021 – 2022

Professor William Bazeyo is the Lab Director and Chief of Party of ResilientAfrica Net work (RAN) which brings together 20 Universities in 16 African Countries. Have already started Resilient Innovation Labs in four regions namely Horn of Africa at Jimma Univeristy in Ethiopia currently serving Somalia as well soon to add South Sudan, in Sahel region in University of Health and Allied Science in Ho in Ghana bringing together in this 1st year Senegal, Ghana and Mali, in East Africa Makerere university coordinating DRC and Rwanda initially and in South Africa University of Pretoria coordinating SA, & Zimbabwe initially. Target to have 20 universities in 16 countries. Working with Tulane and Stanford University to create Resilient Communities in Africa using locally/ African technologically designed innovations done African Students, faculty and the actual communities participating. In summary RAN will take the Universities from campuses to the communities (both multidisciplinary faculty and students working together with communities) supported by USAID. RAN is looking forward to working with Private Sector both local and diaspora and Social interpreters. These should be community acceptable, affordable, and replicable addressing the specific Needs of the communities just an example- Chronic displacement of communities in Horn of Africa, Floods and Mud slides in Uganda, HIV devastated communities in South Africa, Domestic violence in DRC and rapid Urbanization and climatic change in Ghana in West Africa.